I moved to Cartersville, Georgia in November 2001. I found Master Roger Koo's studio while I was driving through downtown Cartersville on my way to work and I asked my family if I could start the training program with Master Koo. My family agreed and I joined his studio on January 15, 2002.
I have been training with Master Koo now for five months now and I personally think that this is the best decision that I have ever made not only for me but for my family as well. If you live in metro Atlanta, I recommend that you come and try Koo Self Defense, it will be worth your while. We have students coming to his studio from different counties. If you think that you do not have the time to take up the training, I am sure that you can make some time as you can come as often as you like and he has the most flexible training program you can imagine, at least 20 adult classes per week. I go to work six days per week and I try to attend at least 4 classes per week.
During my white belt, the first week was the toughest, but with regular training it becomes a habit and you develop a self discipline to go to you classes regularly. At every class that I attend, we start with KSD aerobics. There are 5 different KSD aerobics and each time that I attend a class it is different. The reason for that is because each KSD aerobic work on different part of the body and the intensity of each varies. Immediately after the KSD aerobics is the flexibility exercise which is based on yoga stretching movements and after that comes the very tough workout routines, the ‘power drills' which are done against focus mitts and shields.
Some students arrive early and go to the rear of the studio to work in the ‘weights room' and others who are on the belt program practice their breaking technique on plastic rebreakbale boards for the black belt test.
Master Koo offer two types of training programs; belt and no-belt programs. It gives new beginners a choice, those who like a goal-orientated program chooses the belt program while others who just want to get fit and learn all aspect of street self defense chooses the no-belt program. I think Koo Self Defense is the best martial art's studio there is especially where there is a choice of training programs and the studio offers NO contracts!
Those on the belt program have to do so many classes before they advance up to the next belt level. Master Koo does not test any colored belt until they take the black belt test. His reasoning is that all students should focus on the workout and get the maximum from each class in order to improve one's physical fitness and power rather than being programmed to take tests every two months. I think that makes more sense and make the training much more enjoyable. I have noticed that at every new belt require new movements and drills that have to be learned which makes each level more challenging that the previous one.
As for those students on the no-belt program, the advanced up the rank just as we do but on an imaginary level. These students can tell which imaginary belt level that they are from the attendance list that they must check in at every class which is displayed on the notice board.
Since I have been training with Master Koo, my stamina has increased greatly and has developed more hitting power. It is amazing to hold for other students at Koo Self Defense. They are all incredibly fit and powerful regardless of size, age or sex.
Video Clips Taken April 2002 at the Downtown Cartersville Koo Self Defense Studio, Georgia, USA. Started training in Koo Self Defense on January 15, 2002 and has done 21 classes to the day of photos and video clips
Power Drills Class - Spaghetti (free choice) Hands/Feet
Power Drills Class - 1800 non stop hits